Brand Name: Sonnenkuss
The "Sonnenkuss" peach-flavored wine is a delightful and refreshing beverage that captures the essence of summer. With a low alcohol content of 6.0% vol, it offers a light and fruity experience, perfect for casual sipping or pairing with light meals.
Design Concept
The design for the Sonnenkuss wine bottle aims to reflect the freshness and vibrancy of the product. The label features a minimalist and elegant style, with a prominent peach icon that immediately conveys the flavor profile. The use of soft peach tones and clean typography enhances the overall aesthetic, making it appealing and inviting to the consumer. The transparency of the bottle allows the beautiful peach color of the wine to be visible, adding to its visual appeal.

Design Elements: Minimalist, elegant, fresh
Target Audience: Consumers looking for a light, refreshing wine option

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